How To......

How To Create An Account

1. Click the "Menu"


Mostly located at the upper right corner of your phone screen.

2. Menu List

Click the arrow for more

Click the little arrow beside the “ACCOUNT” for more submenu.

3. Click "MY ACCOUNT"

My Account

From the dropdown menu, click on “MY ACCOUNT”. You will be directed to the Login and Register page.

4. Login / Register Page

Register As A Customer

scroll down till you see the “Register” section.

5. Registering Process

Select "I am a customer"

Provide your email and choose a strong password. Your email and password is what you will use to login your account.

6. Account Created


In your account, you can view your dashboard, orders, change your address (Delivery details) account details etc.

Click on the “MESA” logo to go back to the ‘Home Page”

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